At GenServe, we service multiple Power Plant Generators all around New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Florida.
⚡️ The recommended quarterly maintenance for any critical power facility includes: Three Minor Services with Building Load Tests and One Yearly Major Service.⚡️
At GenServe we offer different Preventative Maintenance plans tailored to every industry, custom unique setup or special request.

Preventative Maintenance / Service Plans (Yearly, Semi-Annual & Quarterly)
• Minor Service: Typically performed quarterly or as frequently as weekly or bi-weekly depending on the type of facility and industry that you operate. This is a visual inspection that covers important checks such as the air filter, coolant level, condition & operation of fan belts, block heater, flex connections & mountings, battery, battery charger, governor linkage and louvers. Lubricate necessary fittings. Check oil level and condition. Check battery voltage and age. Repair possible (minor) coolant, lube and fuel leaks. Inspect day tank, fuel levels and pump controls. Check all bulbs and replace any if needed. Simulate each safety shutdown.
• Building Load Test: When permitted, a building load test is highly recommended. This is done by simulating a power outage. The technician will manually shut off utility power triggering the transfer switch to run the generator automatically. This ensures equipment functionality during a possible power outage, the time it takes for the equipment to recognize an outage has occurred and the time the transfer switch tells the backup power generator to run.
• Major Service: Typically performed once a year, or after a generator has been running continuously for a long period of time during extended power failure. This major service includes everything that the minor service offers plus a complete change of lubricating oils and oil filters. Oil and coolant samples for lab analysis, inspection of spark plugs and coils.
• Load Bank Test: A load bank is a device that allows you to test the output of your generator by simulating the actual load of an electrical system and can be used to test the system’s ability to generate power and maintain voltage and current levels within specified limits verifying that the system is capable of supplying the power required to run your business during a power outage.
In this video, one of GenServe’s certified technicians talks about performing a minor service inspection to make sure the Power Plant generator is working properly and ready to run in an emergency given that this generator is considered a critical backup power unit.
Contact GenServe for all your Backup Power Needs and to learn more about services and service agreements offered.
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